New Movies

Members of the SXS collaboration are pleased to announce new movies
( and
( that show how the night
sky would look in the presence of a binary black hole merger.  The
image is distorted because the light rays that reach your eye don't
follow straight lines, but are bent (dramatically) by the enormous
spacetime curvature near the black holes.  The paths of individual
light rays are computed in order to make these movies.  Details can be
found in this paper (

Four Areas of Science


One who asks is a fool for five minutes; One who does not ask remains a fool forever.

Chinese Proverb

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About SXS

The SXS project is a collaborative research effort involving multiple institutions. Our goal is the simulation of black holes and other extreme spacetimes to gain a better understanding of Relativity, and the physics of exotic objects in the distant cosmos.

The SXS project is supported by Canada Research Chairs, CFI, CIfAR, Compute Canada, Max Planck Society, NASA, NSERC, the NSF, Ontario MEDI, the Sherman Fairchild Foundation, and XSEDE.

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